05 January 2011

Vixen by Jillian Larkin

Book 1, 2011

Not a huge fan of this book, to be completely honest. I was really excited about the concept of it, however. I haven't ever read a book set in the 1920s, that I can recall at least. The plot and storyline has all the makings for a really great read, but I just was not feeling it. I think the character development was a little off. I didn't ever really feel like if something bad happened to one of these characters, that it would ruin me. I love getting totally enthralled in a novel so much that you feel their pain, you feel the awkward, you feel the embarrassment. I love that. But this was seriously lacking in my opinion. I wouldn't suggest it to anyone. If you find it at a used bookstore for a few dollars, maybe pick it up if you want a really easy read, but other than that, you won't be missing much if you skip out on this one.

Hoping my next book of the year turns out to be a bit better.